Standardized Patient Program

Doctor with medical students and standardized patientThe Standardized Patient Program (SPP) is part of the Foundations of Medicine (FOM) course curriculum. The FOM course is intended to assist medical students in developing the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors needed to interview and examine a patient. The Standardized Patient Program assists medical students learning integration and utilization of knowledge and skills in the basic and clinical sciences.

It helps students to better understand the concepts of medical professionalism and to develop an effective and therapeutic patient-physician relationship through the interaction between the Standardized Patient (SP) and the physician-in training (medical student). Standardized Patients (SPs) are trained to accurately and consistently recreate the history, personality, physical findings, emotions, and responses of actual patients in simulated clinical encounters.

The Role and Value of SP Participation

The Role of a SP

  • Portray a simulated patient to help train medical students during clinical skills sessions
  • Training clinical competency of medical students
  • Allows students to have patient encounter as close as to a real patient
  • Study standardized patient story and relay information to medical students appropriately
  • Acquire responsibilities and flexibility to scheduling
  • Obtain exposure to medical world while learning

Value of SP Participation

  • Receive volunteer hours tracked through the Noble Hour website.
  • Students volunteering for 48 hours or more per semester and applying to the healthcare professions of their choice will be eligible to receive a letter of recommendation (LOR).
  • Face-to-Face interaction with current medical students and faculty.
  • Gain valuable insight, knowledge and skills to prepare for medical school.
  • Experience the approaches that a physician utilizes to take care of a patient.

Types of Standardized Patient Sessions

The Standardized Patient Program holds three different types of sessions:

Basic Exam
  • Faculty will be instructing medical students on how to perform a basic examination on the standardized patient.
  • No scripts will be required to memorize for these sessions. Only basic examinations will be performed.
  • What dress code will this session require?: Female (shorts/sports bra) and Males (shorts). You will be provided with a patient gown before the session.
  • Will this session be video recorded? : No
Advanced Exam with a Script
  • Faculty help guide the medical students as they practice gathering information from the standardized patient and preform an appropriate exam.
  • Scripts will be required to be memorize for these sessions.
  • What dress code will this session require?: Female (shorts/sports bra) and Males (shorts). You will be provided with a patient gown before the session.
  • Will this session be video recorded? : Varies, depending on the topic of session.
Testing with a Script
  • Medical students will be tested on their ability to gather information and perform the appropriate exam on the standardized patient without the guidance of the faculty.
  • Scripts will be required to be memorize for these sessions and your attendance for these sessions are very critical since the medical students are being graded.
  • What dress code will this session require? Female (shorts/sports bra) and Males (shorts). You will be provided with a patient gown before the session.
  • Will this session be video recorded? Yes, always

Preparation, Confidentiality and FAQ

Preparation for the SP Role
  • We will provide you with a patient gown for the session, please be prepared to change into the proper dress code
    • Male: Shorts
    • Female: Sports Bra and Shorts
  • Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to the session in which you will be participating.
  • We will conduct training of the scripts for the advanced exams and testing sessions. Please read and familiarize yourself the script prior to attending the training.
    • Training must be completed in order to participate in the session.
Confidentiality of the Program
  • The roles you play should not be discussed in advance, during or after the SP exercise with any medical students that you may meet during a break or even socially.
  • It is very important that you do not discuss the medical student’s performance with anyone other than the faculty in the room or the Simulation Center Staff.
  • The SP's Confidentiality is maintained as well. We do not share information about our participants in the program. All videos that are recorded are for grading purposes only and are deleted after the exams and medical student’s grades have been inputted.
Frequently Asked Questions

Where I am supposed to go if I am assigned to a session?

Most sessions are held at the Clinical Skills Simulation Center located at 3998 FAU Blvd., Suite 200 (corner of Spanish River and FAU Blvd). However, there are rare instances that we hold external sessions. The location for those sessions will be notified to you ahead of time.

What is the time frame for the sessions?

It varies. A typical session runs for 4-5 hours. We will have you come in for SP training 1 hour before. The times can vary 7:30am-12:00pm or 12:30-5:00pm

How often do I need to participate?

As much as you would like. In order to qualify for the letter of recommendation, 48 hours need to be achieved.

Do we need to memorize the script?

Yes, to the most that you can. Scripts are sent 1 week in advance to allow abundant time for you to review. SP training is expected to all sessions, which is very helpful to answer to any questions you may have.

Are sessions in person or virtual?

Both. Since the start of COVID-19 we have implemented many virtual sessions. However, a majority of our sessions are in person. When sessions are shared, it will be specified.

When will I know if I was selected to volunteer?

Confirmations are sent to volunteers 2 weeks in advance. However, we may have last minute cancelations or additions to sessions that will require us to reach out to our wait listed volunteers.

What happens if I can no longer volunteer for an assigned session?

Notify the SP administrator immediately. SP attendance is critical. However, we understand emergencies can occur and a 48 hours’ notice is recommended to allow sufficient time for replacement.

Do I need to have medical experience to play the standardized patient role?

No. Our program is open to any pre-medical or non-medical individuals interested to volunteer. The standardized patients will be trained to accurately and consistently recreate the history, personality, physical findings, emotions, and responses of actual patients in simulated clinical encounters.

Do I need to provide feedback to the students?

No. Most sessions include a faculty member that will respond to students concerns and give them feedback on their performance.

How to Get Started

Complete Sign-up Form

Complete our sign-up form to receive emails from SP program

  • Beginning of each month SP administrator will send out dates available to volunteer
  • Email back with the dates you like to participate
  • Confirmations will be sent out by the 15thof each month
  • Accept or deny participation
  • SP story and any important information will be communicated 1 week in advance
  • Arrive to your assigned session

Location and Parking

FAU Clinical Skills Simulation Center
3998 FAU Blvd, Suite 200 (Corner of FAU Blvd. and Spanish River)
Boca Raton, FL 33431

FAU Clinical Skills Simulation Center pictured with map of parking and entrance door

Program Contact Information

Marina Sapp BSN, RN
Program Manager and SP Administrator
Phone: 561-297-1667

Additional Information
The Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine offers students a variety of educational programs and degrees.
Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road, BC-71
Boca Raton, FL 33431